Tuesday, 28 February 2017

See Rukky Sandal’s Fearless Pose With Snake

Sexy Nollywood actress, Rukky Sandra has gone on adventure in South Africa as she was seen posing fearlessly in a picture with a live snake.

Sandra who was also sitting on the ground allowed the snake to crawl over her body . She seemed not to be afraid of any bite. She was just smiling and careressing the snake and captioned the photo as, 

“When u’re fearless & have no Single Worry… Lol!

What would have given her the morals to allow a dangerous animal such as snake to even crawl around her? Well some researchers believe that snakes can make a good pet especially the ball python which is quite the most popular pet python in the world

According to her, she enjoyed herself pretty well as a tourist in South Africa.Hmmm I hope her next photo will not be with a lion,lol.

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